
A course for the 1% of marketers who are interested in scientific proof of truths about optimization, copywriting and sales.

After taking the course, you'll have the knowledge to help you make decisions to improve the performance of your website and online communications: letters, messages, calls to action.

In the program, we cover the basics of neuromarketing, the psychophysiology of brain function and the psychology of human behavior. After each "scientific" block of information, we look at how to apply this knowledge in practice.

As a result, you will master the basis of "psychology of influence" and be able to use it in your project or client's project, expand your erudition and outlook, better understand the consumer and, at the same time, yourself.

What you will learn:
How to use Cialdini's principles in an online project
What is a conversion point or how to use B.J. Fogg's behavioral model
Does the brain have buttons? 5 ways to influence the reptilian brain
How to use cognitive distortions to your advantage for an online project
How people search for information and read websites
How not to get lost in cognitive distortions when trying to improve conversion rates

This course is for these who:
Everyone who works with online projects: websites, lendings, advertising
Those who want to support optimization hypotheses with scientific research
Anyone who wants to understand how the user thinks
Copywriters, marketers, managers who want to deepen their knowledge of consumer psychology

-Practice Materials: Checklists, templates, and video tutorials to make the course more interactive and valuable.
-Lifetime access to the course and its future updates.
-24/7 Support: If you have questions, we will always be willing to answer them.
-Practice Materials: Checklists, templates, and video tutorials to make the course more interactive and valuable.

Course content:6 sections • 44 lectures • 4h 12m total length

WEEK 1 - Secrets from YouTube Headquarters
WEEK 2 - Video Research MADE EASY
WEEK 3 - Video Creation MADE EASY
WEEK 4 - Video Promotion MADE EASY
How to Run YouTube Ads to get Views and Subscribers
Continued Growth
8 lectures • 37min
5 lectures • 23min
12 lectures • 1hr 11min
8 lectures • 55min
6 lectures • 36min
5 lectures • 30min